Sunday, September 14, 2014

Braveheart Reflection

When I first heard that we were going to be watching Braveheart I was not too excited.  Personally, I don't really like Mel Gibson so watching one of his movies would not have been my first choice.  Regardless, I actually ended up liking this movie.  The story was told in a way that was interesting and yet still managed to convey the basic ideas of the time period.  As usual my complaints are about the historical accuracy of the film as a whole.  One of the problems I had with gladiator was that they actually changed the way that Commodus died.  Here, they had the French Princess play a larger role than she actually did.  As for characters, I liked Wallace and Longshanks well enough though there was no character who stuck out to me as being truly incredible.  I also struggle to find any applications to today.
The idea behind the quote "Every man dies.  Not every man truly lives," is a common one.  Just because you physically survive does not mean that you have lived life to the fullest.  What Wallace was saying was that life under the British rule was not freedom and that without that freedom life was not truly worth living.  I take back what I said earlier, this does have an application to our real lives today.  In order to truly experience life and all it has to offer, we must first find and support something we are passionate about.  It can be a political, religious, social, or moral idea but as long as we have something that we would be willing to fight for.

1 comment:

  1. I get your point with Mel Gibson, which is why I appreciate your insight even more. I, too, believe it is a common theme and one that is difficult to obtain for many. Nice work!
