Saturday, January 10, 2015

Apollo 13

I happened to like this movie a lot actually.  I was happy that the special effects while good, were not the focus of the movie.  I think that the movie really was able to capture how the astronauts felt when put in such a hopeless situation.  The characters were interesting enough but I found myself drawn more to the actual mission to space and the ideas of such a mission.  I'm not sure exactly if it has many content applications to today in terms of the whole rush as a result of the cold war.  I do however think it is interesting, if sad, that NASA has not received as much money as they used to.  Growing up obviously the space shuttles sounded cool but they had already been in use for a while so going to space while amazing, was something that had already been achieved a while ago.

The theme of the movie is a little harder to figure out.  One possible theme is the idea that there is always hope.  Had the astronauts given up hope they would surely have died but instead they chose to fight and therefor survived.  It was a good movie that showed how people can act when they believe that they are in a situation where they might very well die.

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